crestal plane 脊面; 峰面; 峯面; 顶面
multirod plane plane resonator 多棒平行平面腔
Plane-plane Contact 面面接触
Control plane (0-plane) 控制平面
H-plane and E-plane bends with a corner cut 切角的H面、E面弯角
out-of-plane rotation with in-plane rotation 双轴旋转
plane and anti-plane strain 平面应变和反平面应变
plane position indication [= plane position indicator] {= PPI} 平面[位置]指示器; 平面[位置]显示器
plane to plane contact element 面-面接触单元
single-plane (through-plane service) service 原機直達飛航
U-plane User plane 用户面
crestal approach 塉顶凿骨技术
crestal attenuation 脊部衰减
crestal axis 脊轴
crestal collapse fracture 背斜顶部的塌陷裂缝
crestal culmination 脊顶
crestal development 顶部开发
crestal fault 顶断层
crestal gas injection 顶部注气
crestal injection well 构造顶部注入井